Jǐngyáng gradually awoke from his unconscious state. He felt as if he were immersed in a weightless pool of water. It should have been a warm and comfortable sensation, but at this moment, his heart was pounding wildly, as if it were about to burst. Jingyáng numbly realized that there seemed to be an eerie presence, feeling like scalding boiling water, yet also icy cold, wanting to burrow into the deepest part of his heart...,Jingyang's heart was filled with despair. He quietly let go of the tall grass he had parted, and lay helpless on the ground, hoping that the beast on the slope hadn't actually seen him...,Jingyang disregarded the mental barrier because the other wolf he had just knocked over was already charging back from behind. One claw landed on the back of the wolf Jingyang was controlling, leaving a bloody wound soaking its fur. Jingyang gritted his teeth, this pain was too real!。