After reviewing all this, Chen Xi had already understood that the late Eastern Han Dynasty was completely different from what she remembered. Perhaps history would be the same, but the world was completely different now.,To uproot mountains and shake the heavens, if placed in history's past, would seem exaggerated. However, in this world, it is a well-deserved title. At his peak, Xiang Yu could, with his own strength, pull out a small mountain and hurl it away. He could even liquefy air, and the solidified air, like miniature missiles, would create craters on the ground. In short, he was no longer human.,Similarly, mental power refinement also emerged with its own schools of thought. So-called secret transmissions and Taoist techniques appeared. As it developed, there also arose methods to counter those top-tier warriors. The emergence of formations significantly weakened the killing ability of those elite warriors. Of course, if they were lone wolves, they would only have a dead end.。