Her pale, slender hands covered her eyes, though she was no longer dreaming. Yet, the scene from moments ago remained vivid and clear in her mind.,After speaking, she closed her eyes, a rare weariness settling on her brow. She lay back in her chair, tilting her head slightly. Her ink-black hair cascaded down like a waterfall, save for the section pulled up and adorned with a peachwood hairpin. Her slender waist was cinched tight, the folds of her skirt billowing gently around her as she swayed slightly with the breeze. Two sashes hung from her waist, rippling in the wind.,At the age of twelve, he joined the army. At thirteen, he made his first military achievement. By fifteen, he was already a renowned general. At sixteen, in a battle where five thousand enemies faced twenty thousand of his own troops, everyone believed him to be doomed. However, using strategy and tactics, he captured over ten thousand enemy soldiers and personally captured the opposing commander.。